A Smile a Day


Caitlin Schmitt, Writer

Today when someone opens the door for you, lets you cut in line, compliments you, or something similar, you probably feel good about it. But let’s be honest, how much does that happen anymore? We’re living more and more incredibly selfish each day. Some people don’t realize what manners are anymore, which might mean they don’t use the phrases ‘please’ ‘thank you’, ‘bless you’, or ‘I appreciate you’. Because manners are so rare, when someone does in fact have and use them, it’s a lot of times more appreciated now.

The world needs more random acts of kindness, it’s no secret. It feels great to make someone or friend/family member’s day, and it’s also not hard or expensive. So the question is, why not do a thoughtful act for a stranger? There are lots of things you could do. Send a random text message to someone close that you haven’t talked to in a while! Pay for the person in line behind you’s coffee! If you see a parking meter is out of time and the driver is nowhere in sight, refill the meter. Hold the elevator door open so the person running can hop in; compliment someone on their clothes, their jewelry, their hair, their makeup. There’s so many things you can do to make someone smile, and it’s so simple.

Besides doing random acts of kindness, show people appreciation for the things they do. Whether it be for you, someone you know, your community, your church, your school, your home. It should all be openly appreciated. Be sure to give thanks to your custodians, policemen, firefighters, postal men, teachers, school bus drivers, waiters/waitresses, nurses, trash service men, dentist, flight attendants, pilots, delivery people, librarians, grocery baggers, customer service reps, dishwashers, military service members, crossing guards, parking attendants, gardeners, night shift workers, cafeteria workers, drivers, social workers.. EVERYONE.

“Generosity means giving to others above and beyond what they need or deserve to show you care about them.” – Laura Millard

“To me generosity is when you help someone instead of yourself.” – Xitlaly Espino