Is Jon Gruden Racist?

Is Jon Gruden Racist?

Adan Gonzalez, Reporter

Jon Gruden was 2009 he was ESPN analyst and he was making comments about the NFL executive director Demaurice Smith  has been said that Jon Gruden  has made fun of his lips and his culture. There are over 600,00 emails from Jon Gruden have still not be opened.  Aaron Rodgers said that there is no need for this in the NFL.       Gruden used racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobia language in the emails, which the Times reports dated from 2010 through 2018, before Gruden was hired by the Raiders for his second stint with the team. Per the Times, he often called NFL commissioner Roger Goodell a clueless anti football loser. He also used homophobic slurs to describe NFL owners, coaches and reporters who cover the league.              Jon Gruden said that he apologized for the statements on his emails. But others say an apology wasn’t enough. Jon Gruden “ I do not have a single racist blade in me”. Will that be enough to show he’s not racist or is he going to be known as the worst head coach in NFL history. He had to resign and the probability of him coming back in the NFL is really low.