Read a book!


Caitlin Schmitt, Writer

If you’re a high school student, chances are you’ve read at least a few required books for English class. A lot of high school students have the mindset of “reading takes up too much time”, or “reading is boring”. This may be true in some cases, and reasons vary. An individual could have a short attention span, they don’t have the patience, or they don’t see the point.

On the other side of the debate, there’s those who feel the opposite. A lot of people like books because there’s so many to choose from. According to google, there’s 129,864,880 books in the world. After knowing that, how could anyone say they don’t like to read? Maybe they’ve been reading the wrong books! Different genres of books include science fiction, drama, action/adventure, romance, mystery, horror, guided, lifestyle, religion, education based, comics, and many more. “I like reading mysterious book, because it’s fun and it gives me something to do.” Priscilla Ramirez, Sophomore.

So the question many ask is: why spend so much of your spare time on reading? One reason it leads to widening your views in life, which affects how open minded you are! Books makes the reader feel involved.. If you find the right book for yourself, you’ll have your nose in it every chance you get. Books allow the reader to enter the body of the life of the writer, which could be anyone.

“My favorite thing about books is everything, I love books! Reading is important because it’s in everything that you do, for the rest of your life. Directions, emails, newspapers just to list some examples, and it can be in writing or on a screen.” Ms. Mulch says. When asked if she loves her job she replied, “Every single day I love my job. It’s something new every day, it’s never the same thing. I feel like all 900 kids in the school are mine, and I get to talk about books all day long!”