Traveling isn’t overrated


Caitlin Schmitt, Writer

To some, traveling might be an hour, a few hours, or a few states. To others, traveling can mean taking a vacation to another country, or continent. Everyone has their own definition of traveling. Google’s definition of the word ‘travel’ is as follows: make a journey, typically of some length or abroad. Pretty vague, right?

People also travel for different reasons. Some may only travel for a wedding, family reunion, or a planned vacation. These are the kind of people that have set schedules and are focused. Others may travel just because they’re bored, miss their best friends or they need out of town. These kind of people are more free spirited and like excitement and adventures.

So why is traveling so admired? A lot of people enjoy traveling.. But why? Whether it be by plane, car, train, bus, subway, ship or who knows what else, depending on the extents you take on your journey, you may find a new purpose. You will meet new people, which means you’ll be introduced to the way they live, and their traditions. Also, the longer you’re gone, the more you’ll miss home and appreciate it more when you return. The more you travel and the more places you go, you’ll realize the overwhelming amount of unknown in the world that you have yet to discover. A lot of the things you see in pictures or video, does the place no justice.

Out of all 50 states, the state our students have traveled to the most (aside from Colorado, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Missouri) is Texas. Next is Florida, then New Mexico. The states that have been least traveled to by our students include Alaska, Delaware, Montana, and Vermont. When asked which state they’re been to, the students said Colorado has been their favorite. When asked which state they haven’t been to that they want to, the students said they would like to visit California.

When asked which state that he’s visited has been his favorite, Senior Devin Tavarez said, “Texas. We went to see some family and I had a blast meeting everyone and seeing lots of new things.” Seth Green, junior, when asked which state(s) he would most like to visit replied, “I want to go to Florida, California, Oklahoma, Texas, New York, Oregon, and Idaho are the states that I would love to visit.”