GBHS Vocational Tech Club races in Beloit


Savanna Purl, Reporter

GREAT BEND – Travis Straub, GBHS Vocational Technology Club advisor, and his students went to a VTC race April 13 in Beloit.

It was the second time GBHS participated in the race.  Two cars were entered and placed seventh in the solar class and 12th in the standard class.

The vehicles were completely built by Straub’s VTC students during their free time or on work nights.  One car took about three years to build while the other only took three months.  Students faced many problems but the brakes were the number one problem.  “They’re high-end bicycle brakes trying to stop a 300 pound vehicle,” said Mr. Straub.

Students also drive the vehicles.  This year Caleb Straub and Jared Divis drove.

While getting their car ready to race, a tire almost hit Divis.  “Campus blew a tire and the tube almost hit me in the face,” said Divis.  “It was probably three or four inches away.”

“I was working on the car and BOOM!” added Mr. Straub.