Helping the Community in Different Ways


Sayler Peplinski, Writer

On Wednesday the students helped the community by participating in their annual Community Service Day. Community Service day is sponsored by the GBHS Kayettes. All of the advisory classes and the students go around Great Bend helping the community from raking leaves to picking up trash Bryce Boltman’s opinion on community service day is “I like how it gets me out of school so I like it.” This activity get students involved in the community and shows them what a difference they they can make for the better. Every year along with student being able to leave school they also are provided with shirts that show that they are a part of GBHS this year the shirts were hot pink with the phrase “Service with pride, Lead with confidence, Inspire to impact lives.” Ivy Davidson a student who went to the Salvation Army opinion on the shirts is “ I like it , I think that it is better than last year.” Even if some of the student did not like the shirt design or what they did for community service day they still all came together and cleaned up the community not matter how small of an act they did. This day and these acts help the student accomplish what the shirts say they should. Service with pride, Lead with confidence, and Inspire to impact. What will the future of Great Bend look like if this event continues with the amazing results that are already occurring. Nobody can truly know but it is looking great.