Kayettes is More than Hollyball

Kayettes is More than Hollyball

Abby Stiner, Editor/Writer

To the plain eye, Kayettes seems like a club known for Hollyball. It is way more than that. The purpose of Kayettes is to serve our school and community. To get to Hollyball, a member needs to have three service points and have sold $50 worth of holly. Three points are achieved by completing three hours of community service. Some of the community service opportunities include working a shift at the Argonne Bingo Hall, helping a teacher, or bringing donations.

The Kayettes have many service projects throughout the year. In October, they put on Trick or Treat for UNICEF. Members went door-to-door asking for donations to UNICEF. They raised a total of $837 for the charity. This November, the board members put together goodie bags full of snacks and gave them to EMS workers. In December, we can look forward to All-Star Basketball when the seniors take on the staff in basketball. Admission to the game is a can of food, which helps out the local food bank. The last project of the year is Mr. Perfect Panther, which is in April. Some of the senior boys compete in a beauty pageant to see who will be crowned Mr. Perfect Panther. The money made by admission goes to a community member who is in need. “The goodie bag project was my favorite. It’s something we physically do from start to finish and we got to see the results,” said senior board member Danielle Jordan.

Hollyball is a reward for all of the members’ hard work. The dance is on December 19th in the main gym. “I’m excited about setup because it is my favorite part and because I am in charge of it,” said senior board member Riley Jones. Make sure to sign up for activities to get points in Ms. Claussen’s room!

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