The Evolution of Feminism

The Evolution of Feminism

Caitlin Schmitt, Writer

A lot of times, being a feminist is looked down on due to the dramatic measures that are sometimes met when tied in with the term. If you’re a feminist you’re often seen as a whiny woman who can’t take a joke or some control. The actual definition of feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. The term came about in 1848, when lots of women spread across the United States were sick of being looked at as property to men and like they weren’t strong enough for a man’s job, or a lot of times any job outside of their home.

There’s a lot of reasons feminism is looked down on. Summed up into one sentence, it’s considered over-the-top women who complain about everything happening that isn’t in their favor. But that’s not always the case. Feminism is a good thing for several reasons. Feminism gave women the freedom from sitting at home with their children, whilst cooking and cleaning; the movement also triggered the FBI to tighten up on rape regulations;

it ensured that the burden of war doesn’t only fall on male shoulders; it expanded the definition of hate crimes to include all identities. Lots more examples stand beyond that. Point of the story being, feminism is often taken way too far, but the bottom line is that it is a good thing.

“While inequality between genders exists, I do not believe that the “gender gap” is as prominent as many people believe. In short, feminists need to realize that just because there are more men in a certain position does not mean that society is favoring men over women.” – Ben Diel, Senior.

“While the real idea of feminism is something I would agree with, it has been malformed and distorted by the extremist feminists. I believe a woman and man should have starting equality.” – Grant Smith, Junior.

“It would be nice for all people to be treated fairly regardless of sex, but what is fair is not always equal.” – Mrs. Baker