New and improved!

New and improved!

Caitlin Schmitt, Editor/Writer

With the end of summer comes school, and with school comes new rules, regulations, and expectations’ every year.  Out of all the new changes, the Chromebooks are easily the change that people are stirred up about. Each student that attends Great Bend High School received a Samsung Chromebook Friday, August 19th that they are to keep with them all school year, which means taking care of them! This also means taking them home at the end of the day and returning them, fully charged to school the next day to use in chosen classes.

Teachers are stressing the students that they’re NOT to use classroom outlets to charge the Chromebooks, and the administrators are using the Chromebooks as an excuse for students to never need their electronic devices in class, therefore it should be kept away unless instructed otherwise. The sole purpose of the Chromebooks is to serve as online textbooks, so the students and teachers can interact online, so students can work on homework from home, and so students won’t use so many excuses to get their phones out.

Everyone has different feelings towards the new technology that was generously donated to each student. Drew Reed, senior for example said he would much rather use pencil and paper. Paula Laudick, the disciplinary secretary in the main office said “It’s a good thing as long as the kids use them for the purpose they’re meant to be used because the textbooks can be eliminated, students and teachers can communicate better and it’s the way of the future so might as well god used to it. It can be negative because if a student doesn’t take care of it or breaks it that comes out of the taxpayers money, so hopefully the students take care of them.”