Behind the Scenes at Lunch
Students enjoying their lunch
November 2, 2016
Lunch is the time to talk with your friends and sometimes get your homework done. While you’re doing these things have you ever thought of the other side of things? How when you’re rushing through the lunchroom to get your food that affects the people who work there? “ The majority of them (our students) are really nice and are respectful, but there are some that don’t like to pay attention to the rules and make messes. But otherwise they are pretty good kids” said Lisa Diel, one of the many lunch lady’s that works at GBHS. There are some things that the lunch lady’s would like to change about the lunches though. For instance the head person in the lunchroom, Carol Boltman suggested “more time between lunches” as a way to improve the lunch times. More time between lunches is not something that we can control but how we act when we’re in the lunchroom is. Being more respectful and considerate is one way to make the lunch lady’s jobs easier and to make their day. This isn’t hard and when you’re nice to people you’re in a better mood for when you hang out with your friends and you’re less stressed when you do your homework.