It’s senioritis season!
I just want to be done!
January 23, 2017
Seniors often say they’re waiting impatiently for their senior year to be over. The reasons vary, with a few being that the student might be taking the last of their required classes and dropped all their electives, or they may have been accepted into a college that they’re already taking courses for. Although waiting to walk across the stage with a diploma in your hand may be hard, enjoy your senior year!
If you experience any of the above examples, then you’re probably encountering Senioritis. The definition of Senioritis is as follow: a supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance.
Symptoms of senioritis include.. Refusing to wake up in the morning, lack of studying or caring, having an admissive attitude, and wearing athletic (lazy) clothing excessively. Ways to get over your senioritis include.. Seeing the big picture! There’s only five months of school left. It may seem like a lot, but it’s really not. We’ve been through (roughly) 35 months, and now there’s five left. Why give up when you’re ⅞ done? Finish off strong, then have fun all summer! “I can relate to it because sometimes I don’t feel like getting up for school and sometimes I can’t find the motivation to study for class,” says Arlannah Juarez..
A big reason to not give little effort this close to being done, is because although you can choose whether to give any college both of your semester grades, they can and they will find your second semester transcript, and they will put this into consideration while considering your application. If it’s clear by your grades first semester and second semester that towards the end you started getting lazy, you may not be accepted. It can also affect your acceptance for financial aid.
Tiele Stephens says, “Senioritis is a serious condition. Many student suffer from it daily, including me. Even though I have all a’s, finding motivation to do homework is difficult. Performance wise, I generally try my best. Doing something you don’t want to do can be hard.. That’s why I try to find fun in everything I do.”