Throwback; The Drummers of GBHS

Issue of 1985 Panther Tales over the drummers in GBHS

Edith Solorzano

Issue of 1985 Panther Tales over the drummers in GBHS

Sayler Peplinski, Editor

In the issue of the 1985 Panther Tales an article speaks of how well known and heard percussion is in the halls of GBHS. This still has not changed with the crowds cheering every time the Great Bend High School Drumline finishes their feature: What Shall We Do. This is the first year that the Drumline has done something like this and by how the crowds are reacting to it this will not be last. The Drumline practices for hours during the summer and during the school year to be as good as they are. Changes that the Drumline has done this year has helped them improve their skills and also give the audience the best show that they possibly can. This can be seen by all of the visuals that the Drumline does during the halftime show, their feature, and also sometimes during parades.