GBHS Gives Out a Helping Hand

March 13, 2018
Yuda Bands is a non-profit organization which helps students in developing countries who cannot afford to go to school. In order make money for the students, the Yuda Bands organization sells unique, handmade bracelets from Guatemala. Each bracelet is made from handmade leather and carved coconut shells. Students in the US and internationally can help participate by doing a fundraiser in their school. Each school gets to choose a student to help raise money for. The Yuda Bands website makes it easy for schools to select a student. Each student in need provides a small paragraph about their situation and the amount of Yuda Bands they need to be sold. The Student Ambassadors of GBHS has chosen Millicent Shumba, from Zimbabwe. Millicent cannot attend school because her parents cannot afford it and her father refuses to send her to school. Kathy Davis, Student Ambassador Sponsor, said “the ambassadors set a goal to sell 500 Yuda Bands.” They plan on selling until spring break. The Ambassadors had the opportunity Skype with Millicent and they talked and got to meet her on a personal level. Gentry Schneider said, “The Skype call was kind of difficult because we couldn’t get the WIFI to work, but it was still a really cool experience.” Yuda bands is a great way to start a journey to help change the world. The idea of helping people from different countries around the world brings pride for those who help and joy for those who receive the help.