Better for the School?


Sayler Peplinski, Editor

This year the security of GBHS has been taken to all new levels. In previous years cameras were installed outside requiring students to ring the bell in order to enter the school. While other security installments caused some grumble among students there was at least some level of understanding. This year the frustration has grown with the new requirement of students having to wear their ID’s at all times. For some they see the requirement of wearing schools ID’s at all times as a distraction and others don’t even know what their purpose is. Josh Hoisington junior at GBHS said, “ I don’t think that they are useful mostly because I don’t know what they’re for. No teacher could give me a clear answer for what they are for.“ While it is comforting that the school is putting so much thought into the safety of its students in what other ways can the safety of the school be improved? A problem with the school ID requirement is also that people do not have perfect memory so students are bound to forget their ID’s once or twice. So what happens when they forget their ID or lose it? Elizabeth Gerdes senior at GBHS said, “I don’t get why we need to wear them it’s not going to do anything. But it’s a rule that’s now in place so I’m not going to complain about that. I’m going to complain if I have to pay for it because I have forgotten it because it’s rule we just implaced.“ When this starts to happen is the requirement of having to wear school ID’s at all time going to die down?