Weekly Activity Updates

February 1, 2021
Activity Updates for February 1st-6th.
With all the activities we have going on at GBHS It would be nice to have a weekly reminder of the activities every week. I am here to tell you what is happening with high school and any other reminders weekly. Here are this week’s events.
Spirit Week
Monday- Class Color
Tuesday- Frat Day
Wednesday- Vsco vs. Disco
Thursday- Pajama Day
Friday- Red and Black Day
The parent teacher resource center is open 9am to 5pm.
Middle School basketball has a home game playing Salina
Middle School Basketball has a game in Dodge City
High School swim has a meet with Wichita, El Dorado, and McPhersons.
High School Wrestling Girls have a dual in McPherson
High School state piano festival
High School regionals scholars bowls
High School Bowling has a meet in Dodge City
Middle School Basketball has a home game against Garden City KH
High School Wrestlers have a dual in Liberal
1st and 2nd grade have a vocal concert in the auditorium at the high school starting at seven
High School homecoming game against liberal at home.
National ACT test day
High School regional piano competition
High School Wrestling in Phillipsburg
Basketball Update
The GBHS Boys have played a total of 12 games. They have a standing of four wins and eight losses. The last game against Wichita was a home game and they won 42-39. Their next game will be against Liberal and will be the big homecoming game.
The GBHS Girls have played a total of 12 games. They have the same standing as the boys with four wins and eight losses. Their last game was against Shawnee Heights and their next game will also be against Liberal for homecoming as well.