Parent Teacher Conference

February 23, 2021
Just a little reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences are this week. These will take place Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. You should have set up a time with your connect teacher to have a google meet with you, your guardian, and your parents. If you haven’t already set one up, make sure to do so now. Monday and Tuesday Night there are times from 5 to 7:45 pm and Thursday Is during the day from 12:30 to 3:15pm. These times may vary with your teacher if they have told you differently. Make Sure you have finished your student lead Slideshow before your conference. This slideshow includes information over your schedule, Goals, hard classes, attendance, strength, weaknesses, post high school thoughts, and people who support you. Don’t forget the time you signed up for and make sure to be prepared so your teacher can get to their next conference on time.