Our Indoor Lovers


Kynslee White


Are you looking for a dog to bring in the home and cant decide what would work best for you. s. Many people have to settle on a small breed dog. If you have a big family or a small apartment you won’t always have room for a big dog. Some peoples living styles are best suited for certain types of dogs. This is not saying that big dogs are not as behaved but you have to look at the environment you are bring them into and what best suits your life style. Here are some breeds that are overall known to be well behaved house dogs.


Pug- Pugs are a loving bread. They may bark sometimes but most of the time it’s out of happiness because they hardly get angry. Pugs are very curious animals that are kept busy a lot of the time trying to figure out what people are doing. They are typically 14-18 pounds. 


Dachshunds- They are adorable little dogs. They are oddly long and short but are very athletic. You will be surprised when you how fast they run and jump for their body size. They are very active dogs and require a lot of attention. This could be a problem for busy families but for a small dog they are very intelligent and highly trainable.


Shih Tzu- Theta are an affectionate and devoted dog. They are a perfect dog if you are looking for someone to watch TV with. Another plus is they do not shed as much compared to other dogs. 


French Bulldogs- They are adorable dogs when it comes to look and normally have good behavior. They are dogs known for being nice and trusted around children. They are alert dogs and are always ready to play. 


Mastiff- If you are looking for a big non threatening dog, this doggy may be perfect for you. Their name is known for sounding massive. They are huge dogs but are really laid back dogs that normally do not threaten people. Since they are big dogs they get enough exercise from walking from room to room. 


Labrador Retriever- These dogs are currently the most popular dog in the world. They are known for their loyalty when they form a bond with a human. Labs are also typically gentle around children and easily housetrained. 


Beagles- These dogs are normally very friendly and loyal as well. They are always happy dogs. They are happy to be around humans, having playing time, or simply happy to just lay down and take a nap. These dogs are also known for taking no as an answer unlike many dogs. This breed is definitely one of the dogs among the best indoor dog breeds. 


Small Breeds – Many people have to settle on a small breed dog. If you have a big family or a small apartment you won’t always have room for a big dog. Some peoples living styles are best suited for certain types of dogs. This is not saying that big dogs are not as behaved but you have to look at the environment you are bring them into and what best suits your life style. 


In conclusion, there are many amazing dog breeds. Dogs differ from dog to dog. There are many more dogs out there that are amazing, You may have a dog that is known as one of the worst behaved dog and they are the best behaved you have ever had. These are just a list of some dog breeds that are typically known as being a good dog.