Mental Health Tips #4

Lex Sanchez, Content Creator

Keeping yourself feeling good can be pretty difficult. It isn’t as easy as people say to calm down or take care of yourself. You aren’t always going to feel happy all of the time and that’s okay. There are always steps you can take to help yourself, even just a little.

Tip #7: Remember- Getting better means you will slip up sometimes

It’s okay to mess up or go back to bad habits as long as you’re working to stop them. You can’t just always expect to always go up. Mental health can go up and down and you shouldn’t put yourself down for messing up. It’s all a part of getting better.

Tip #8: Reach out for help

Tell a trusted adult or a close friend. It can feel like nobody cares but if someone’s ignoring you, go to somebody else. Just because one person denies you help, doesn’t mean everyone will. There is always someone out there holding a hand out to help you up. You just have to be willing to take it.

Surround yourself with people who care about you and are there for you. If someone doesn’t want to be in your life, it’s not your fault. You are strong enough to handle that. You’ve made it so far already. Why stop now? There is always someone out there that is rooting for you; maybe your best friend, parent, teacher, a family member, or just simply yourself. Take care.