GBHS Book Club

November 15, 2021
At Great Bend High School in the library after school from 3:15-4 on the day that Mrs. Lehew chooses, Book Club meets to get together and discuss the book we are reading because students last year requested a book club.
“I like that book club has a friendly and open environment.” said book club member, Ashlyn Howard.
This club is for anyone and everyone that wants to join. It is just about getting together and reading a good book and to hear everyone’s ideas about what’s going to happen next.
Our sponsor, Mrs. Lehew, decides what day we are going to meet. For example, last quarter we meet on Tuesdays and this quarter we are meeting on Wednesdays, since some people could not make it to the Tuesday meetings.
Then we meet on that day every week after school, to talk about the book we are reading and to hang out. Mrs. Lehew always has a snack for us when we get there. For example, last quarter we got to eat cookies and have hot chocolate with cinnamon sticks.
The book we read last quarter was “None Shall Sleep” by Ellie Marney and the book that we picked out for this quarter is “Ash Princess” by Laura Sebastian. We vote on our book by having Mrs. Lehew make a google form, which she sends out to the school, with some choices for what we will be reading. Then we all vote on what book we want to read the most. Finally, which ever book has the most votes at the end is the one we read.
Mrs. Lehew maps out how much of the book we are supposed to read, then we should read the designated section before the next time we meet so that we can discuss what went on in the book, like what was happening, what we liked about this section, and what annoyed us.
If you do decide to join book club next quarter, just know that if a book is picked that you don’t want to read you don’t have to. Now, if you want to join book club, fill out the form that Mrs. Lehew will send out next quarter and vote on your book.
“My favorite thing about book club is it gives me a reason to read and I love getting to discuss my literary opinions with others and seeing the differing opinions. I think more people should join book club because it is a good way to make friends, you get to help pick the book we read, and you get to keep it when we are done.” said book club member, Kennedy Kern.
If you love to read and talk about your books you should really think about joining book club next quarter. If you do plan on joining next quarter, be on the look out for Mrs. Lehew’s email for the book voting and the day we will be meeting.