The Journey Of a Wrestling

November 30, 2021
Skills that can be learned:

Building character
- Overcoming obstacles
- Handling emotions
- Respecting authority
- Being a good teammate
- Success has to be earned
- Hard work and communication
Facts from
Health Benefits
Mental health-
In order to be a wrestler, you have to have a strong mind. Being focused and reacting quickly are actions you have to be ready to take. When doing wrestling many athletes experience self-resilience, self-discipline, and confidence. A healthy mindset is made up of the value of sportsmanship.
While there are many ways to workout, you mainly target one spot when you go on a run or lift weights. Wrestling allows you to focus on full body workouts. Your body is constantly jerking, moving, and pulling in so many different directions that it’s targeting your whole body.
Helps with increasing endurance-
Wrestling is the perfect sport to see progress with your workouts. ITs all about seeing the moment and taking the move and you have to be able to perform the moves which requires you to learn. YOu will learn to endure when you’re improving your strength and power. Wrestling incorporates so many muscle parts which helps you build a stronger heart.
Calorie burn-
Wrestlers have a super high calorie burn rate. It is shown that they can burn as much as 400 calories in just a 6 minute match. After matches will help you charge your body causing you to lose calories afterwards as well because of the high intensity burst of energy that was performed.
When you are a restler it helps you get into a healthier routine. This could include the training that is scheduled and the sport encourages proper sleep and rituals. It gives you a stable routine to go through and with support from your teammates and coaches you will find yourself more so to stick to it and not skip your workouts.
My personal story
I am currently a Junior in High School and this is my first year as a wrestler. Before I Started I had only ever even watched a wrestling match a couple times. When I started, I didn’t know a thing about wrestling. I was constantly aching with pain and didn’t know any moves.. It has been something that I am putting work into and trying to get better at the sport . I personally take a long time to comprehend little things such as a simple move so when I do get one down, it feels like a great victory, even if everyone else can already do it. I’m still further behind than most but I am starting to get a basic understanding of the sport which hopefully I can improve from there.
Others Stories
I talked with a junior named Katie Kuhlman who is currently on the wrestling team. I was able to get a lot of information from her. She told me about what she learned which was “You have to be confident in yourself and just go for it in the moment. If you think too much you will end up backing out of the move”. We also talked about her biggest accomplishment and challenges with the sport. She quotes that her biggest challenge she faced was “staying focused for the whole season because it is much longer than fall and spring sports. I constantly have to remind myself that I need to stay focused and to work hard in order for me to get better”. While that was the struggles she faced she also had a positive side of the season by achieving many accomplishments. She said that she “finally gained the confidence to shoot. I didn’t start shooting until the middle of last season because I wasn’t great at it”.
I also talked with another Junior named Dennise Chavez who is in her first year of wrestling. We talked about how her start of the season has been going and she told me it has gone good. She set a goal of being a better wrestler by the end of the season. She said she is good at learning new techniques fast. I also asked her what is something she struggled with and she gave me the reply of “I am struggling with a double leg takedown, I just want to try something new”.
In the end, there are lots of different reason why its good to be a wrestler. Its helps put you in shape mentally and physically. It may be challenging for some but that only pushes you to work harder and get better. Everyone has there own journey and will face different struggles along with succeeding at different techniques as well. Maybe, wrestling is a good fit for you?