What are some Christmas Traditions?

December 6, 2022
Some of you may be wondering. What are some different Christmas traditions? Well, I am too! Now, Christmas is one of my favorite holidays because I love watching my family open their presents from me and I love to buy things for people.
My family has a couple of Christmas traditions that we follow. One, is that we always have cinnamon rolls or monkey bread for breakfast that day. The second one we always do is hang candy canes on our tree, and then my sister and I will try to sneakily eat them. Another tradition that we do, is that we always alternate gifts. So my sister would open one, then I would and so on.
“My Mom, Grandma, sister, and I usually cook sweets for a complete 2 days before Christmas. I like the cozy weather. I’m looking forward to visiting family.” said Great Bend High School sophomore Reese King.
Now, what are some Christmas traditions that other places follow?
Some Christmas traditions in the United States consist of decorating the tree, writing letters to Santa, baking cookies, looking at Christmas lights, eating lots of great food, and a bunch of other traditions. And while we have some pretty fun traditions, there are a bunch of other places that have some pretty cool traditions.
In Italy, they celebrate many different things. Christmas holidays in Italy start with the Day of Immaculate Conception on December 8th. Italians don’t have a specific day dedicated to giving presents, and while some do so on Christmas Eve, others prefer to start sharing their holiday spirit up to two weeks ahead of Christmas. On Epiphany Eve, January 5th, children leave their shoes or socks out to be filled with candy. Just like Santa, La Befana comes down the chimney and leaves a treat for little kids while they’re asleep.
“My favorite family Christmas tradition is playing bingo with my family. My favorite thing about Christmas are the lights. Something I am looking forward to is the food and seeing my family.” said Great Bend High School junior Cailee Moeder.
In Germany, children receive their stockings on Saint Nicholas Day, 6th December, and they are opened on the morning of the 7th. The Christmas tree is only put up in Germany on 24th December. one of the best German Christmas traditions is stollen. The fruit bread, which is made with nuts, spices, candied fruit and powdered sugar, is enjoyed throughout the holiday season.
In France, the letters from French kids to Father Christmas always receive a response from Santa. Since 1962, France has had a law that stipulates any letter to Santa must be responded to in the form of a postcard. The law ensures that each child receives a reply to his/her letter to Santa making thousands of happy children each year!
In Mexico, they have candlelit processions, elaborate nativity scenes, Spanish Christmas carols, dancing and fireworks. Even though traditions like Christmas trees and Santa Claus have found a place in Mexican festivities, the holiday celebrations are firmly rooted in Spanish and indigenous culture. From 16 to 24 December, processions re-enacting Mary and Joseph’s search for shelter take place in Mexico. Children walk from house to house singing the traditional Las Posadas song and asking homeowners to let them in. Every night, the processions end at a different house for a fiesta, with an abundance of food, drink and, of course, piñatas. In Mexico, Christmas carols are called “villancicos”.