What Will You Do For Christmas Break?

December 5, 2022
With Christmas break right around the corner, some people are planning how they are going to spend it. Whether you are taking a trip or staying home to celebrate the holidays, this story is for you. We will talk about popular places people visit and fun things to do from home. So now let’s get on with the story.
Most Popular Christmas Vacations
There are so many different places you can visit, so the most popular places tend to change. Harley Dougherty is a Junior Here at GBHS. I asked here where she will be going and where her dream place to go would be and she quoted ” I am going to leave the day after we get out of school to go to Arizona for a week. I am going with my friend, Macy. But if I could travel somewhere else it would be somewhere where there is a beach”. With that being said, here are the top five most popular during Christmas break according to travel.usnews.
In fifth place we have Salzburg. This is located in Austria. Salzburg is famous for being the birthplace of Mozart. They even have his house preserved as a museum. It’s a great place to go if you are a fan of music because it’s a music center. It’s a great place to walk the streets and look at the beautiful old homes and shops.
Fourth best ranked place for best Christmas vacation is the Maldives. This is the perfect place to go if you are wanting to get away from the snow and enjoy the ocean. Depending on what you want, you can go from an underwater hotel to a stunning resort. There is also a villa of the Maldives located on top of the water. It’s a great place to go snorkeling and explore the waters.
Coming in third place is Aspen. This is a mountain located in Colorado. If you’re looking for a great view of the rocky mountains, this is the place for you. However, this mountain is best known for its amazing ski range. They also have a perfect location for snowmobile tours. Aspen also features many other things including museums, restaurants, festivals, museums and unique galleries. Another draw is the high end resorts. This location has been able to draw many celebrities its way with the promise of a stay they won’t forget.
Second place on this chart is Rome. Rome is more popular in the Christmas season because it is beautifully decorated for the holidays. This is the place for you to go if you are a fan of architecture, history, or art. Rome is the most popular place in Italy to visit because it’s a place that hasn’t changed to adapt to its visitors but has stayed the same. There are also amazing cafes to try along with museums to admire. Many of Rome’s visitors have described it as a magical place.
Finally, in first place for the best ranked Christmas vacay is Prague. Prague gives you many entertaining opportunities to try. Besides getting to see the beautiful foundations, you can stop at a café, go to the must see sights, many different festivals and sporting events, and so much more. It’s also said that the public transport is way cheaper than other cities and so easy to access. Prague is also a place that has a large expat of people. If you are visiting, it makes it to where there has to be other people there who speak your language.
Rylie Duvall is a senior at GBHS. I asked her the same questions as Harley and she replied with ¨I plan to spend time with my family and then after christmas time possibly go visit my grandpa down in Texas. If I could travel anywhere it would be New Zealand. December is part of its summer. The scenery and environment is also breathtaking. but I also want to see the sunset and sunrise somewhere else in the world. With that being said, If you’re not traveling for the holidays, that’s okay too. There are many fun things you can do from home. At the courthouse, there is an ice skating rink that gets set up every year. This gives you a fun thing that you normally can’t do here in Great Bend. You can also go visit Santa at 1223 Main Street. Here they have set up twenty five different life sized Santa’s representing different regions around the world. Santa Clause is also available to visit with children. Other things you can do from home include a movie night, decorate Christmas cookies, DIY ornaments, sing Christmas songs, holiday game nights, write letters to Santa, and so much more.
I hope this information helps you either book the perfect Christmas vacation or some fun things you can do from home. There are ten school days left till Christmas break counting today so merry Christmas!
Info from travel.usnews.com