
January 12, 2023
Every year, Great Bend High School Kayettes throws a school dance called Hollyball. There are certain requirements you must reach in order to come to the dance. Here is some information about Hollyball.
Hollyball Decorating If you are wanting to help with Hollyball, we will be decorating the school Friday, January 12th starting at 3:30. This will last until we are done decorating. In classroom, there is a spot to sign up. If you haven’t already, please put the times you are available to work.
Requirements In order to attend Hollyball you have to get at least 4 points of service. You are supposed to obtain one of these points in the spring of the year before and the other three anytime before Hollyball. If you didn’t get a spring point, you still have the opportunity to go as long as you get four points. Another requirement is selling holly. Before the dance, the members of Kayettes all received a packet with different evergreen items and a couple different Christmas items. If you sell more than 75 $ worth of holly your price of your ticket will keep going down from 10 dollars.
Hollyball Tickets You can obtain your tickets during lunch the week before Hollyball. This years dates are January 10th-January 12th. You can bring your money today during lunch
Dates Since Kayettes is all girl members, guys can only come if a girl asked them to the dance. If you ask a guy, you have to fill out a form in google classroom with your dates name. The principals will then check there standings before letting them come. Harley Dougherty is a junior at GBHS. This year, Harley is bringing a date from out of town to the dance. Harley told me “I am excited for Hollyball because I am ready to get all dressed up and see other girls dresses. I would tell people they should go because it is a fun time and you can get all dressed up to the max which you cant do very often”.
The Actual Dance the dance will take place this Saturday, January 14th. It will be at the high school from 8-11. The dance will take place in the High school Commons and you will enter the building through the south library entrance. This is a formal dance but you are welcome to wear what you want as long as it fits the dress codes. it is not required that you wear short dresses to the dance. Long dress are welcomed with the administration actually preferring them. Anna Campbell is a senior at GBHS. She has went to Hollyball every single one of her high school year. “I think everyone should go Hollyball because you only have your high school years for so long and you should make the most of them”
Rules #1: Don’t throw food or drinks on the dance floor.
#2: Don’t take off clothes on the dance floor. (Shoes don’t count.)
#3: There can’t be a giant cluster on the dance floor because it is raised and expensive.
#4: Alcohol is not allowed. Obviously! (There will be a high police presence.) Rules by Holly Johnson (Kayettes Sponsors)
If you weren’t able to attend Hollyball this year and aren’t a senior, there’s always next year. Make sure you sign up for Kayettes at the beginning of the year next year so you can attend. If you have any questions, You can contact our sponsor, Holly Johnson. Her email is [email protected].
You could also follow our Instagram: gbhskayettes