Mr Perfect Panther Summary

April 3, 2023
Mr. Perfect Panther is an event that is held every year. Great Bend High School Kayettes Club host the event. This event is basically a male pageant with senior boys as the contestants. So lets get into the story.
like I mentioned before, Kayettes is the group that puts on the event. Kayettes are a group of girls in the school and is known as a student leadership team. Kayettes has around 240 members. Kayettes also has board members. The head of Mr Perfect Panther was Alondra Alvarez. Her co chairs were Emery Meza and Ava Thompson. Kennedy Sandy and Dru Penka were the choreographers. Dru Penka thought the show was stressful backstage but the guys put on an amazing show. She even quoted “They did the dance I choreographed so good, and I was very proud. Mr. Perfect Panther had eight different boys compete this year. This included Mathew Moeder, Ellis Long, Beau Burkhart, Ty Boone, Gavin Hirsh, Kevin Gonzalez, Brantley Schaffer, and Cole Sanders.
These boys competed in three different show sets. The first competition was swim wear. The guys each modeled swimsuits as the announcers gave the audience some basic information about each contestant. The second set of the show was talent. This started with Kevin Gonzalez and Gavin Hirsh singing a duet. Then, Ty Boone carinated us with a saxophone song. Then, Beau Burkhart gave us a puppet show. Brantley Schaffer followed this act with singing the song tequila and painting a picture of Madison Regher. Mathew Moeder then wrote nice notes to staff member at the school. The talent portion was concluded with Cole sanders giving us a modeling show. The third set of the show was formal wear. Each guy was escorted by a different girl where they came out in nice suits and fancy dresses. The girls consisted of Alondra Alvarez, Dru Penka, Natalie Williams, Catie Haberman, Anna Campbell, Katie Kuhlman, Kennedy Sandy, and me, Kynslee White. To decided the winners of this event we had three judges who were Mrs. Alvarez, Mr. Wilson, and Megan. The judges picked the runner up and the overall winner. There was also a peoples choice award.
Every year, Kayettes donates the money raised at the event to a family in need. It is five dollars to get in at the door but people also vote with money on who they think should win the peoples choice. There are boxes outside with a picture of each candidate on it where you can put your money into. The person who raises the most money wins the peoples choice award. This money went to Ava Thompsons family. They were awarded the check at the end of the show. Alondra Alvarez had good things to say about the show as well. ” I think overall it was a wonderful show. The boys worked really hard and I appreciate all the help I got from Dru and the rest of the senior girls. I would have liked to have more guys participate but other than that everything was executed well”.
This years peoples choice winner was Mathew Moeder. The title of Almost Mr. Perfect Panther went to Ellis Long. And the winner of this show, 2023 Mr. Perfect Panther was Brantley Schaffer. All the contestants did an amazing job on putting on a good show. Amazing job to everyone who participated in this show!