As many people know, 2024 is election year. But how exactly is that going to affect us? And how much do our students know about election year? And should our rules on presidential elections and presidency be more severe?
How much do our students know about Election Years?
Zachary Hart A sophomore stated “I feel like I know quite a bit about election year.”
Ethan Detrich A sophomore stated “I don’t know anything about politics.”
How will Election year affect our economy?
Teagan Mason A Senior stated “I feel like depending on who gets elected it will affect it differently.”
Sheridan Johnson A Sophomore, said “I feel like now with the fact of how bad our economy is currently, the past shows that it won’t do well.”
Should our rules be changed for presidential elections and presidency? Meaning, should there be a limit on ages and if so what? Should there be a limit on terms? What should disqualify somebody from the election? And should there be a limit on campaigning?
“Not being a team player should disqualify somebody, I feel like you shouldn’t run after 65 and I feel 35 is a good age to start,” Mason said.
Everything comes down to the rules we have now. And all though we wish things could be changed. We are still stuck with the same old things. As high school students that is not something that we can change, or is it?