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The student news site of Great Bend High School

Panther Tales

The student news site of Great Bend High School

Panther Tales

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Rising Star of Great Bend!


16 year old sophomore Ian Premer is already a college football prospect! He has received offers from big name colleges and is still receiving more calls. We at GBHS cant wait to see what there is in store for Premer.

“I started getting calls right before spring break, I think the first was KU, they had a guy in their scouting department who stumbled across Ian’s basketball film and then as they scrolled through his twitter they realized he played football and passed it on to the coach and said ‘we gotta take a look at this kid’,” stated head football coach, Erin Beck. Beck has been coaching Premer in football since his freshman year at the high school.
He said, “Ian is just one of those kids who does everything right in the classroom, within this program, and on the field on Friday nights. He is such a vital part of our team, both offensively and defensively, its been that way since his freshman year, he’s been a really special kid for us.”

If you have been to a home football game on Friday nights you know that number 14 never disappoints. Watching him sprint down the field to make the touchdown truly is a thrilling experience for anyone watching. 

Beck continued, “He is one of our best leaders, he’s not going to be one of the kids that the most vocal but he comes in everyday and just doesn’t have bad days. When he’s in the weight room i’m sure he has them (bad days) but he doesn’t show them to us and that goes a long way within our team. I know this attention is not what he loves, he usually likes to fly under the radar and that’s tough, that’s tough to make sure that we are in this locker room together that we are in here as a team together because jealousy is a natural thing and he’s doing a good job at focusing on the team and trying to never make it about him and that’s one of the traits that we all love about Ian.”

But premer has never played tight end before, how is this possibly going to work? Beck stated, “In modern day football so many offensives use his position differently and that’s something Ian is learning through this recruiting process is ‘how does this team utilize a guy like me, my abilities’ and that’s what I think a lot of it will come down to, you know he researches these teams andand finds out like am I gonna be a hand in the dirt extended tackle or are they gonna use me as a slot guy that I think he will be able to show his abilities, and that’s the way we use him and that’s the way we will use him a lot more this fall, you know kinda move him around and just have fun with it.”

Premer, as of May 13th 2024, has gotten 14 offers from all over to come play football for the as a tight end. “I think that I am just looking at all the ones, talking to everyone that wants to talk with me and just building relationships and getting a feel for everything.”

“They are wanting me to play tight end, last year I played receiver but I think that this year for the high school season we are going to move me to tight end and that’s where they are looking at me for.”

“I think I will be able to transfer that position really easily, I practiced it last year, because I was a backup for that spot, so I think it should be a pretty smooth and easy transition.”

A few of Premer’s teammates and friends, sophomores Karter Brown and Omar Sanchez, are very proud of him and the accomplishments he has made so far in his career. “I mean it’s incredible, I know the hard worker he is and he’s just such a nice guy. He’s pretty much another coach on the field. It was gonna come sooner or later,” Sanchez stated. Brown continued this thought, “it’s just crazy to me, i’ve literally been playing with him since we were like 8 years old all starting with baseball, it’s just crazy.”

Brown has played with Ian since they were in fourth grade so he has watched his talent progress and his improvement step by step. 

Premer is an all around great player, person, and student and we at GBHS, teachers and students alike, are so excited to see how he improves and where the offers take him to. We hope to see you on the big screen Ian!

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