Do you ever wonder why we have daylight savings time, or why we get an extra hour or lose an hour of sleep?
DST was first implemented in the U.S. on July 1st, 1908 to conserve energy during World War I. The first city to implement DST was Port Arthur, Ontario and Canada.
George Vernon Hudson and William Willet were the inventors of daylight savings time. They felt as if this was a way to save more energy. George wanted daylight savings time so that he could have more sunshine to hunt bugs, and William wanted it so that he would have more sunshine to play golf.
The Hill News station said, “63-75 percent of Americans would prefer to stop switching the clocks twice a year because they feel drained and inefficient during the week of us switching daylight hours.” This also makes people feel like it is 9pm when it is actually only 5pm, or they feel like it’s 10am when it’s only 7am.
NORC at the University of Chicago, said that “31 percent of Americans would prefer to keep daylight savings time because they feel like this promotes safety by having longer daylight hours.” Having brighter daylight hours makes it easier for people walking their dogs after work, drivers seeing children playing outside, or runners.
Sophomore, Makayla Cross said, “I don’t like switching daylight hours because we have to change the clocks and I don’t like having brighter mornings and darker nights because it makes me feel more tired, and I would get rid of it because I don’t think we need it.”
Learning Strategies Teacher, Jared Bashor said, “I don’t like switching daylight hours because it throws off my schedule and “I really don’t care for brighter mornings and darker nights, I would prefer to have darker mornings and brighter nights, and I would get rid of DST because, like I talked about earlier, it disrupts my schedule but having fall back isn’t as bad because we get an extra hour unlike the spring forward because we lose an hour and it makes me tired.”
Overall, Daylight Savings Time does offer many benefits, but due to the impact of it disrupting people’s sleep schedule, they want to stop changing the clock.