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Panther Tales

The student news site of Great Bend High School

Panther Tales

The student news site of Great Bend High School

Panther Tales

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A Panther New Year

A Panther New Year

Well Panthers, a New Year is upon us. That means it’s time for New Year’s Resolutions, academic goals to be set, thinking about things that you get to take into the new year, and having plans for new years eve so what are our students plans goals and the things they are excited about for 2024? 

New Year’s resolutions are a very well known thing when it comes to the end of the year. So what are the new year resolutions that we are going to see in 2024. 

Rhys Froetschner, a Sophomore at GBHS stated “to start working out.”

Ally Howard, a Junior at GBHS stated, “I don’t really have one.” 

Jace Shartz a Junior at GBHS stated, “My New Year’s resolution is being nicer to people.” 

People have tons of different resolutions, non academic and academically, so what are the academic goals this year?

“I want to get to the next degree in debate,” Froetschner stated. 

“I hope to pass all of my classes,” Howard added.

Shartz added, “I want to win state in wrestling.”

Sometimes you get to take things with you as years pass. So, what is something that students are excited to take into 2024 with them? 

“Hopefully a positive attitude,” Froetschner added. 

“Swim season is coming up,” Howard said. 

“Our new wrestling team,” Shartz said. 

Party, Party, Party. That’s what we normally hear when people are talking about their plans for new years eve. But these students had completely different ideas for their plans. 

“Probably stay at home or hang out with someone,” Froetschner concluded. 

“I plan to sleep. I am not really doing anything fun or interesting,” Howard concluded. 

Shartz concluded, “I don’t have any plans.” 

So panthers, do you think you are ready for the New Year? Have you thought about your resolutions? If not, I’d get on that soon, cause 2024 is just around the corner. Have a great Christmas break panthers and we will see you in the new year!

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