What do you do in your free time? If you’re one of those people who love being creative, then this story is for you. Great Bend High School’s Intro to Visual Design class, taught by second year teacher, Ms. Laurel Haley allows students to be creative through many different kinds of art including working with clay, line drawings, pastel and shading projects as well.
Currently, Haley is teaching students how to work with clay. With it being this close to Halloween, students have the choice of making a pumpkin or skull. Freshman, Brooke Bodine said, “I enjoy making new things. It’s something that I get to do a lot in that class.” Bodine shared that her favorite clay working technique is the use of pinch pots. It’s an easy technique for people who don’t have much experience with clay.
Haley is a very creative person and she tries her absolute hardest to help her students succeed in their creativity as well as with their interpersonal skills.
“I think she does well explaining and showing us what to do,” Bodine said. “You get a lot of flexibility in what you get to do.”
. Ms. Haley is always making sure students understand and shows a clear demonstration of the projects. She has a flexible schedule, which allows students to come in for help before and after school. She makes it easier for everyone or she at least tries.
Overall, “It’s a very fun class.” Bodine said.
In my opinion I would say the class is amazing because it allows me to be creative. It’s a place where I can let all my thoughts out. When I am in her class, I can relax and draw whatever comes to my mind. Something about her classroom makes me feel at peace and helps me think. If you’re a high schooler or soon to be a high schooler, I would definitely recommend taking Ms. Haley’s Intro to Visual Design class. You’ll love the class and her.